#23: Pablo Ojanguren - SwellRT
Pablo Ojanguren talks about SwellRT, a real-time framework for making decentralized apps. It is based on the Apache Wave protocol.
Watch nowIn our earlier years, we interviewed many passionate people who started decentralisation projects. What motivates them? What’s special about their technologies? What business/funding model do they use?
Pablo Ojanguren talks about SwellRT, a real-time framework for making decentralized apps. It is based on the Apache Wave protocol.
Watch nowJuan Benet, founder of Protocol Labs, describes the InterPlanetary File System, a decentralized content distribution protocol. What ways are there to fund protocol development?
Watch nowSam Patterson describes decentralized marketplace OpenBazaar. He's cofounder of OB1, a company made on top of OpenBazaar. How to have competitive middlemen, peer-to-peer dispute resolution and build using IPFS.
Watch nowLuis Molina, founder of Fermat, a platform for making 'Internet of People' apps. When should we have geographically localised networks? How do we share reputation between applications?
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Watch nowGavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum, a distributed social contract platform. What kind of apps can be built on a block chain? How can this enable financial scrutiny?
Watch nowKenton Varda, creator of Protocol Buffers, on his new personal cloud platform Sandstorm. How can we get more open source web apps?
Watch nowSally Carson talks about Pinoccio, an Internet of Things platform which uses mesh networking. How can it be made easy to use? Can we build a decentralized global sensor network?
Watch nowDavid Irvine, founder of MaidSafe, which lets you pay for decentralizing storage, computation and bandwidth using a cryptocurrency. Why do this, and how will the economics work?
Watch nowAral Balkan, founder of Indie Phone, talks both about what motivates him to build a decentralized smartphone, and how starting with a great user experience is key to mass adoption.
Watch nowRichard Bartlett on decentralizing decision making with Loomio. How can user experience help us govern ourselves? Plus crowdfunding.
Watch nowMichiel de Jong talks about Unhosted, a protocol to separate web applications from where their data is stored. Plus a call for more developers to work on decentralized technologies, and how to get paid.
Watch nowAfter the Personal Computer, is the Personal Cloud next? Benjamin André talks about Cozy Cloud, including thoughts on business models for decentralized services.
Watch nowDaniel Silverstone, creator of gfshare, on how we can safely keep our (decentralized!) digital keys and coins. Split them up into pieces, such that, say, any 2 of the 3 pieces can reconstruct the original.
Watch nowDaniel Siders on Tent, a protocol for personal data and communications. How can decentralized standards replace centralized ones like HTTP?
Watch nowBjarni Rúnar Einarsson talks about Mailpile, a mail client aiming to decentralize email again. Will people ever encrypt email? Can we make it cool to code on email again, and beat the central services?
Watch nowJeremie Miller, creator of Jabber, talks about his new distributed wire protocol, TeleHash. What lessons has he learnt about how to make a protocol popular? How does Kademlia work?
Watch nowChristopher Webber talks about Media Goblin, a decentralized media publishing platform. How can we have a federated alternative to services like Flickr, YouTube and SoundCloud?
Watch nowJacob Cook talks about arkOS, which makes it easy to securely self-host your websites, email and files. What would the world be like if we all hosted our own services?
Watch nowPaul Gardner-Stephen talks about the Serval Project, which lets mobile phones make calls without a cell tower. He gives real examples of it being used in disasters today.
Watch nowTony Arcieri talks about Cryptosphere, an open source P2P web application platform. In the process he describes how this can give more privacy and governance control to users of all kinds of network applications.
Watch nowAdam Ierymenko talks about ZeroTier One, which creates flat virtual Ethernet networks of almost unlimited size. He describes how this lets people experiment with new ways of using networking.
Watch nowNicholas Tollervey talks about the drogulus, his programmable peer-to-peer data store. In the process he describes how a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) works and what motivated him to start the project.
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