Business models

Below are notes extracted from the etherpad for this session (held at Redecentralize 2019)

Session Title: Business models

- SUB-GROUP 1 w/ Ade

Why are centralied models so popular?

Times changed, we need to go back and review the business models we use and assumptions

In digital world we don’t need the same economies of scale as were needed with actual physical goods.

What is the role of regulators in this space?

Do we need more research into this alternative models?

What are the redecentralized business models:

Are cooperatives really decentralized? John Lewis is a co-operative, but is it decentralized? Big does not mean centralized int he same way Facebook or Amazon are centralized.

How is decentralized better? How can we explain that to people?

Wardley mapping of business models evolution from bespoke through product and commodity to utility


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